Well last week was a week full of excuses for not running. So I decided to think about each excuse I used for not running, and scold myself for each one. Hopefully, this list will be an excuse for me TO run in the future, and maybe even help my readers out a little too!
  1. “I’m too tired”: Yes, I know you are. You have been up late, not getting sleep, sitting through class, not having time for caffeine and you’re just Way…. Too….. Tired. The better alternative would be sleeping in or taking a nap. And I know when it’s so cold out your bed just looks so warm and inviting with its fluffy pillows and comforter. But really… what’s an extra half hour waking up? Why waste your time sleeping when you could be getting your lungs healthy? And not to mention, the fact that you haven’t run all week has made you soooo lazzzyyyy. You neeeeed that burst of energy every day to get you back into the swing of being the upbeat person you are. In fact, I’m willing to bet that running a few miles will wake you up even more than sleeping for an hour. Come on, you’re better than that. If you are really that tired, then take a nap after your run, but I have a feeling that running will make you feel like a million bucks!
  1. “I‘m too busy”: Okay, I understand. You’re just a poor college kid who has so much work to do that you just CAN’T find the time to work out. THEN WHY ARE YOU SITTING ON FACEBOOK RIGHT NOW? In the time you waste doing worthless things, you could be running and doing something useful with your time. If you’re going to procrastinate, you might as well procrastinate with something you have to get done anyways. Stop it with the work excuse, if you just try to manage your time a little better, you may find the time to squeeze in a little run.
  2. “It’s too cold”: I know its FREEZING out. It’s been rainy and windy and you tremble just walking to class. Put on some warm clothes and stop complaining. Once you start running, you’ll warm right up. All you need is a long sleeved shirt, a hat, and some gloves. And if it’s too cold for that, the gym is a 10 minute walk away. Its warm in there and you can get just as good a work out!
  3. “Its raining”: Oh so you mean its perfect running weather? The rain cools you down so your sweat doesn’t have to. You’ve run in the rain before so you know how good it feels. I am not accepting this as an excuse. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain. Remember?
  4. “I already showered”: So go on your run and shower again. It takes 5 minutes if you go fast enough.
  5. “My lungs are too tight today”: Wait, you’re using this as an excuse?! If anything, that should be a reason TO exercise. It will do nothing but loosen everything up and make you feel 10 times better later in the day. Take a puff of your inhaler and get on with it.
  6. “My legs hurt”: Alright, so you ran 5 miles yesterday and you’re a little sore. Stretch it out and do what you can today. Running a little is better than not running at all. I will only accept this excuse when you’ve run a few days in a row, only then will I justify this as a valid reason to take a day off.
  7. “I’d rather do something fun”: There’s plenty of time for fun, exercising takes what… an hour? You can go hang out with your friends after. And running doesn’t have to be a chore. Put on your headphones, bump some fun music, and enjoy it!
  8. “I don’t feel like it”: This is the worst excuse. If you go into it thinking you are going to hate it, thinking that you just don’t want to do it, then you WON’T want to. Your mind will get the best of you and cause you to give up more easily. Get in your head that running is something you want to do, you enjoy doing, then the mere thought of it won’t seem like such an awful thing.
  9. “I can’t.”: Yes you can!! Even if you can’t run 3 miles today, you can always always ALWAYS do a little bit. Every little bit helps! Do what you can, don’t use “i can’t” as an excuse not to even try. Once you start, you will find that you are capable of more than you think. I can’t is the most negative thing you can think and if you keep that attitude you won’t get anywhere!!!
I hope my excuses will help me to just get out there and run. I know that after writing this I have no excuse not to get on my running shoes after class. Maybe it will help you to get that thing done that you have been making excuses for too!