The purpose of this blog is the following: To inspire, educate, enlighten, and entertain as many people as possible about life with CF and how important it is to have a positive attitude and do everything you can to fight the odds. I want to inspire those with CF to not let CF get in the way of living. I want to inspire those without CF how to live their lives appreciating each moment like how someone who has to deal with such a disease would. Not only that, but I want people to discover something about their lives, change the way they look at things, and maybe get a few laughs along the way. The more people I reach, the stronger my message. That is why I’d like to thank all of my readers this week for taking some time to listen to the things I have to say in my posts. I have had some pretty impressive numbers this week. A special Thank you goes out to Ronnie Sharpe for spreading the word through his blog: runsickboyrun.com. (check it out if you haven’t done so already!) Ronnie is a such a powerful, positive force for the CF community and I am truly honored to have him recognize my writing. This Week:almost 500 hitsfor a grand total of 11,117 hitsalmost 200 new visitorsand I now have 80 official blogger...
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