Why I love Old People
Old people inspire me, in the same way some CFers inspire me, in the same way cancer survivors inspire me. Old people are LIFE survivors. After all of their experiences, heartache, illness, grief, hard learned lessons, they are ALIVE and thrilled to talk about it. Old people exhibit true wisdom, and they deserve respect. I am currently taking a Gerontology course, the study of aging. Because I am so fascinated by it, I have been volunteering at a nursing home doing room visits and speaking with the elderly people who are patients there. Every week, I learn a new life lesson and gain a deeper respect for the lives older people live. Last week I met a woman who had not only been in the Air Force in Canada but had also lost both her first husband and her first child. She told me how much she loves her children from her second marriage and how much you should appreciate your family. She told me to always listen to my parents, and I will get far in life. I’ll never forget that. This woman’s roommate was from Poland. She had come to America when she was just sixteen and worked in a shop where she met her husband. She spoke in broken English about how amazing it is to be living in America and how much she loved her...
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