Time time time

Editors Note: In re-reading this blog entry, I noticed that the placement of the story of the CFer without time to maintain their CF and the statement of the excuse of “not having enough time” being bullshit makes it seem like the (most likely sicker than me) CFer who does not have enough time is making excuses. What this statement from this CFer made ME realize was that I was the one making excuses, because I did and do, in fact, have time in my life for taking care of myself (at the time I was using the excuse of saying I didn’t have time to exercise… etc.) I realize that my life is not like that of all CFers, some require more maintenance for their health and TRULY do not have time to balance all of these things. I however, do not fit that mold, so I cannot make that excuse. I have added a few words in red to clarify my statements. Recently, I’ve been hearing (and using) the excuse “I don’t have enough time.” I noticed, just now, that this excuse is incredibly over used and doesn’t have to be. I recently read a comment from someone with CF who said it is impossible to maintain their CF, while also working, while also having a “life.” As someone who has seen incredible health turn-arounds after maintaining...

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